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Commander Curtis's

Daily Pokemon Market Report

Sign Up Now For:

Daily Pokemon News, Interesting Events & Happenings, Commentary, Stories, Tall Tales, Fables, and Much Much More.

However, You Are Warned...

I Email Daily And I Promote Things...

If A Sales Pitch Causes You Anxiety, DO NOT Subscribe


Adult Themes And Sometimes Foul Language Can Be Found Inside. This Is Not For The Frail Or Faint Of Heart Types Who Need Safe Spaces...

Hi, My Name Is Curtis.

Somewhere on this page is a link that will tell you more about me...
For now though, the TL;DR version is:

  • I'm "old"

  • I retired from 30 years of Naval service as both Enlisted and Commissioned Officer (retired as a Lieutenant Commander)

  • I am opinionated

  • Some folks suggest I might be a 'crusty salt (which I take pride in...)

  • I don't do 'political correctness' very well (don't expect many apologies)

  • My favorite snack are the tears of virtue signalers... Troll tears are a close second

  • I email a lot

  • I email a lot. (yes, I said that twice- you are warned)

So, that's my proposition...

A free newsletter that highlights current Pokemon Market action and my Salty commentary to entertain you (and present as many blatant sales pitches as I can muster...)

Feel Free To Unsubscribe At Any Time

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***This Newsletter is intended for ENTERTAINMENT ONLY, I am NOT an expert in any field and do not provide qualified advice- JUST OPINION... Use at your own risk***

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